Solving Housing crisis in Kenya

The housing shortage in this country is a matter of dire concern. Reuter’s news agency in May 2019 reported that there was an estimated 200,000 annual housing shortfall expected to rise to 300,000 by 2020. One would expect this shortfall to ….

Difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion

Layman’s definition of tax avoidance is reducing a tax payer’s liability without breaking the law. This is the most likely definition availed by search engines over the internet, you can try. Thus, tax avoidance sounds legal. Proponents of ….

Taxation of not for profit organizations in Kenya

INCOME TAX EXEMPTION – The incomes generated by not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) are exempted from taxation in Kenya. The income of an institution, body of persons or irrevocable trust is exempted from taxation provided the body is of a ….

Incorporating Risk Management in Tax Practice

The modern business environment has been described as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). Agility and adaptability have become catchy buzzwords in corporate management. Technology is evolving faster than humans can adapt, go….

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