Is Tax avoidance Legal?

Layman’s definition of tax avoidance is reducing a tax payer’s liability without breaking the law. This is the most likely definition availed by search engines over the internet, you can try. Thus tax avoidance sounds legal, in fact the rig …

Boosting tax Morale

The COVID-19 pandemic opens the opportunity to keep debating on whether to increase taxes again or to reduce them further. Dwelling so much on this topic will constraint our thoughts in the same box while not focusing on the real issue of …

Taxing The digital economy Headache in Kenya

Modern day technology is a double edged sword to tax administrators. On the positive side we see digital technology as an enabler. With technology, it has become easier for tax payers to file tax returns, tax information is much more access …

Formalizing the informal sector in Kenya

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or the hustlers’ nation as they call, it is a blessing to our generation but needs to be nurtured to the next level. The first step is formalizing the informal sector. Introduction of a tax that ensures …

Voluntary tax disclosure program

For decades, if not since independence we have been battling perennial budget deficits and counter measures year in year out to overturn the situation. It would have been the case this fiscal year but the COVID-19 disruption threw the fisca….

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